The Baltic Sea Stakeholder Conference 2024 – PROTECT BALTIC
March, 2024.
Stakeholders from the Baltic Sea region came together on 29 February 2024 for discussing protection of the Baltic Sea.
The Baltic Stakeholder Conference 2024 was the inaugural stakeholder event for the PROTECT BALTIC project. The conference was conducted in a hybrid format at Hanaholmen in Espoo, Finland and online.
The overarching goal of the conference was to create a collaborative space for stakeholders vested in the PROTECT BALTIC project and its objectives. By convening a diverse group of stakeholders, ranging from governmental bodies and environmental organizations to local communities and industry representatives, the conference aimed to cultivate idea generation and knowledge exchange and to facilitate cross-sectoral dialogue and collaboration, paving the way for innovative solutions and collective action towards Baltic Sea protection.
Alongside the main conference, including 21 workshop sessions, a parallel youth event was held online to actively engage young individuals in discussions. In total, 233 participants attended the conference (164 participants attended online, and 69 participants attended in-person).
Read more about the conference here.
Kristīne Pakalniete participated in the conference, representing the company AKTiiVS, which is one of the 17 consortium partners of the PROTECT BALTIC project approved under the Horizon Europe program. Read more about the project here.
Launch of the PROTECT BALTIC project
September, 2023.
The partners of the Horizon Europe PROTECT BALTIC project, including AKTiiVS, came together on September 5-7 in Helsinki for a kick-off meeting of the project.

The project “Enabling comprehensive effective and efficient protection and restoration measures for a resilient Baltic Sea ecosystem” (PROTECT BALTIC) is funded by the European Commission’s Horizon Europe Research and Innovation programme (Grant agreement number: 101112866).
AKTiiVS is among the partners of the consortium, consisting of 17 partners, for implementing the PROTECT BALTIC project.
The project will develop and implement a Protection Optimization Framework – a holistic transboundary decision support package for identifying marine biodiversity protection and restoration targets and developing a shared approach for the spatial protection and restoration.
The project includes a dedicated work package on the assessment and valuation of the marine ecosystem services. The role of AKTiiVS is to develop further the sea region socioeconomic assessment of the ecosystem services within the integrated assessment methodology and the tool for identification, mapping, quantification and valuation of the marine ecosystem services. Read more about the project here.
A national methodology for assessing the environmental, economic and social impacts of obstacles on rivers
November, 2023.
AKTiiVS, in cooperation with BIOR and LVĢMC, developed a methodology for assessing the environmental, economic and social impacts of obstacles on rivers in Latvia.
Only 33% of the Latvian inland waters are of good or high ecological quality, and various dams and obstacles on rivers, which negatively affect fish resources and water continuity, are one of the reasons for the deteriorated water quality and fish resources.
In order to justify the most appropriate solutions for mitigating the negative impact of obstacles, it is necessary to perform an analysis of benefits and costs, evaluating the environmental, social and economic impacts of obstacles. To develop the national methodology for such assessment, the project financed by the Latvian Fish Fund was implemented titled “Development of methodology for the assessment of environmental, social and economic impacts of river obstacles” (No. 23-00-S0ZF01-000012). The project was implemented by the Institute of Food safety, Animal Health and Environment “BIOR” in cooperation with “Latvian Environment, Geology and Meteorology Centre”. The development of the methodology was carried out by AKTiiVS based on the contract with “BIOR”. Read more about the project results here.
News from the HELCOM Expert Group on economic and social analyses
October, 2023.
Kristīne Pakalniete (AKTiiVS) has been elected as the chairperson of the HELCOM Expert Group on economic and social analyses.
The overall aim of the HELCOM Expert Group on economic and social analyses (EG ESA) is to enhance regional cooperation on the economic and social analyses (ESA) related to the Baltic Sea marine environment. The expert group serves as a platform for discussion and information exchange on ongoing and planned ESA work throughout the region, and it acts to develop and agree on regional approaches for ESA. The work is set up to support both the regional and national ESA work to fulfil HELCOM and other commitments of the Contracting Parties.
The group consists of experts nominated by the HELCOM Contracting Parties. Kristīne Pakalniete represents Latvia in this group and has been elected for chairing the group from October 2023.
The economic and social analysis is seen as a crucial tool for making informed decisions that protect and sustainably use the marine environment to secure the benefits for both society and environment.
The future work of the EG ESA will focus on developing and implementing the work plan for 2024-2025, which will support implementation of the HELCOM Baltic Sea Action Plan (BSAP) actions in relation to ESA. Read more about the EG ESA here and about the HELCOM BSAP here.
HELCOM Thematic assessment of economic and social analysis for the Baltic Sea
April, 2023.
K.Pakalniete (AKTiiVS) is among the contributors of the HELCOM “Thematic assessment of economic and social analyses 2016-2021”, which was released in April 2023.
The HELCOM “Thematic assessment of economic and social analyses 2016-2021” (available at is one of the thematic assessments of the third HELCOM holistic assessment (HOLAS III), which provides a comprehensive overview of the ecosystem health of the Baltic Sea, covering the assessment period of 2016–2021 (
The economic and social analyses linked to the marine environment give a valuable perspective on the relationship between society and the environment with the aim to provide relevant information to inform decision-making.The economic and social analyses of the thematic assessment have been prepared as part of the HELCOM BLUES project (, where AKTiiVS was involved via sub-contract with the HELCOM secretariat (the project coordinator). AKTiiVS contributed to developing methodologies, information base and assessments for all the analyses and led the sea region socio-economic assessment of the marine ecosystem services (see more about the results of the project at
Socioeconomic assessment of polders and their possible management scenarios
December, 2022.
AKTiiVS completed a study on assessment of socioeconomic impacts of polders and their possible management scenarios in Latvia.
Within the project LIFE18 IPE/LV/000014 “Implementation of Latvian river basin management plans for achieving good status of surface waters” (LIFE GOODWATER IP), AKTiiVS was contracted for conducting an assessment of socioeconomic impacts of polders and their possible management scenarios, as well as preparing guidelines for the socioeconomic impact assessment of polder areas. The aim of the assessment was, based on the socioeconomic impact assessment of polders and their possible management scenarios, to provide data-driven assessments and proposals for polder management, taking into account the objectives and requirements of water quality and nature protection. The assessment was prepared in cooperation with experts from the Latvian Fund for Nature and the World Fund for Nature, as well as in consultation with sectoral institutions and experts both in individual consultations and in wider expert meetings. The assessment covers such impacts as the benefits from agricultural production in polder areas, financial costs of maintaining the polders, impact on flood risk prevention, water quality and nature protection. The results include also guidelines, which could be applied to the analysis of costs and benefits for such polders in Latvia in relation to territories with diverse and conflicting purposes of use (e.g. for agricultural production, flood prevention, water quality and nature protection). The results are summarised in a report, which is available in Latvian (with a summary in English) here. Read more about the assessment here.